Factsheet Index

The factsheets below have been created to help you better understand the various aspects of home improving. This part of our site is constantly evolving and we welcome any suggestions for subjects that are not yet covered (please use our enquiry form or email us at help@propertyteam.org with any suggestions.

Please click on the title to go to the factsheet.

General Information

Factsheets Coming Soon…

Factsheet G2 – Extending Your Home

Factsheet G3 – Loft Conversions

Factsheet G4 – Garage Conversions

Factsheet G5 – Basement Conversions


Factsheets Coming Soon…

Factsheet D4 – Building Regulations

Factsheet D5 – External Finishes


Factsheets Coming Soon…

Factsheet B3 – Building Inspectors

Factsheet B4 – Protecting Against The Weather